When his clumsiness costs his team the championship on Field Day, he is saddled with a haunting name: Loser. When he arrives in the fourth grade, however, everything changes as big-kid eyes evaluate him with a harshness he hasn t yet experienced. And when he answers every question wrong or serves as the butt of his classmates' jokes, Donald just laughs at himself right along with everyone else. Not only does he giggle uncontrollably and wear a goofy giraffe hat, he actually loves everything about school - his teacher, his studies, and even the extracurricular activities. From his first day at school, Donald Zinkoff stands out from the crowd. I would rate this book 4 stars.Loser, by Newbery Medal–winning author Jerry Spinelli, is a powerful tale about a young boy whose contagious joie de vivre outshines his endless stream of gaffes. I would recommend this book to kids that have no friends. It went from place to place a lot without explaining why. I didn’t really like how the book was put together. It wasn’t the best book I have ever read but I thought it was pretty good. I think Donald did a really good job of acting more mature and controlling himself.Ħ My Opinion I really liked this book.

He realizes how annoying he was and of he acts his age that people will like him.ĥ Moral The moral in this book is that if you don’t act annoying to people, then they will like you. He acts more his age and people start to like him. The in this book is that Donald becomes more mature.

the police were out looking for him for hours and he had his parents worried to death. Donald had know idea that she was found and was out looking for her till 1:00a.m. The crisis in the story happens when Donald goes missing because he is looking for his friend Claudia. Nobody would want Donald on his team because he was so hyper that he would start doing the wrong things. Every year Donald's school would do something called field days. Donald is so full of energy that he is annoying and nobody wants to be around him. He isn’t so annoying and doesn’t have as much energy.Ĥ Plot summary The conflict in this book is the way that Donald acts and that he doesn’t have any friends. He starts to act more his age and more mature. Donald definitely changes throughout the book. I think it will take some time for things to get better for Andrew. Donald tries to welcome him by making him a cookie but Donald messes up and makes him cry. Him and his family just moved to the house next to Donald. Sometimes people get annoyed with him because he is so goofy and annoying. This book takes place at the main characters school, present day The point of view is third personģ Characters Donald is the main character in the book.